Englisch lecture on monday morning
Morgenkater jault noch in the head
from the Sauftour on the weekend
all thing ist bad; (do you) understand ?
Your head is hanging on the table
to listen not very able.
Thousands of hammers are poching in your Birne,
Schweißtropfen are running over your Stirne.
They Are tropfing in your nack,
you want to go in your bed back.
But now the prof begins erst richtig
the Übel in your head becomes übergewichtig.
Your eyes Are going auf und zu
and the prof is watching you.
He calls you and you think you Are verloren
in this moment you wish you Are never geboren.
The neighbour wishpers to give you help
crying „Don´t touch me“ you run out of the door
and you overgive you on the floor.
When your Are ready you come wieder ´rein,
seeing at first that all grinsen gemein.
Beleidigt you sit down on your chair,
„Nothing but white MOUSES everywhere“.
That´s not all, now comes the clue:
Wieder the prof is watching you.
He says: „I´m sorry, so geht das nicht,
I must write you in the classbook, that is my Pflicht.“
And now the class cries in the Chor:
„A Tadel for kotzing onto the floor!“

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